Upstate South Carolina schools, colleges closed on Monday, Tuesday due to Hurricane Helene (2025)

Editor's Note: This story will be continuously updated.

In the wake of severe flooding and damage from Tropical Storm Helene throughout the Upstate, schools and colleges are making decisions about cancellations and e-learning.

Here's what we know so far:

Clemson University reopening several facilities Sunday

According to a post on the college's Facebook page, Clemson University will be opening three facilities to campus members and the public on Sunday.

"Clemson University will open Littlejohn Coliseum and the Snow Family Outdoor Fitness and Wellness Complex on Sunday, Sept. 29, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m., for community members and city residents in need of respite following the destruction caused by Hurricane Helene. Additionally, the Hendrix Student Center will be open from 11 a.m. until 11 p.m. for community access to find a cool space, recharge electronics and have access to public WiFi," the post reads.

The Littlejohn Coliseum has power stations, WiFi, limited food and drinks, and six showers available for members of the community.

The Snow Family Outdoor Fitness and Wellness Complex will have 4 showers available for family use. Minors must be accompanied by an adult.

Limestone University has canceled classes for Monday

According to a post on the college's Facebook page, Limestone University has canceled classes for Monday.

"Due to fuel shortages and continued power outages in surrounding areas, as well as campus, Limestone University will not have classes and observe remote operations (for staff) on Monday, September 30," the post reads. "Our main concern is the safety of everyone. We will make a day-to-day assessment moving forward."

Anderson University cancels classes, activities through Tuesday

According to a Saturday press release, Anderson University classes, activities are canceled through Tuesday for all campus facilities, including the University Center Greenville.

"The campus continues to be without power. We still don’t have a clear indication of when power will be restored. Once again, students who can safely return home are encouraged to do so," the release reads. "The Student Center remains open for all students, including the Culinary Center."

Furman University closed through Wednesday

According to a Saturday press release, Furman University's campus will be closed through Wednesday.

"Campus is still without electricity. Duke Power has notified Furman that their crews will not be able to address Furman’s outage until (Sunday) at the earliest, and power might not be restored until Tuesday. The lack of power and full access to the internet greatly impacts students’ living conditions, classrooms, dining and activities," the release reads. "Moreover, the vast majority of Furman’s faculty and staff do not have power at home, and many are dealing with storm damage and the potential need for immediate childcare next week if the local school system closes."

Classes and all activities are canceled for the same period. No online or asynchronous learning is planned for Monday-Wednesday due to the power and internet outages.

Wofford College cancels classes through Tuesday

According to a post on the college's Facebook page, Wofford College has canceled classes through Tuesday.

All Spartanburg Community College campuses closed through Monday

According to a Saturday press release, all Spartanburg Community College campuses will be closed through Monday.

Spartanburg Methodist College canceling week of classes

Spartanburg Methodist College is canceling classes for the week; their fall break starts Thursday, according to Director of Marketing Communications Jeremy Handel.

USC Upstate cancels classes for Tuesday

USC Upstate is closed through Monday and classes are canceled through Tuesday. The campus will be running on a remote schedule during that time for non-essential employees, according to Communications Director Emily Gillespie.

The university is encouraging students to return home if safe to do so. The university lost power and it estimated to be restored sometime between Sunday and Wednesday, according to messages from the campus alert system.

Converse University cancels classes through Monday

Converse University has canceled classes and activities through Monday, according to the college's website.

"Due to the severe weather, lack of power,and other challenges on campus and throughout Spartanburg County due to Hurricane Helene,Converse has suspended all classes, events and campus activities through and including Monday, September 30," a Friday release states.

The university was still without power Saturday.

Anderson County schools announce e-learning day

All Anderson County Districts will observe an e-Learning Dayon Monday,September30.

"Our schools will provide flexibility in meeting eLearning Day requirements, as we understand many families still do not have access to power or the internet," according to District 3 Chief Communications Officer Dylan McCullough. "We will provide an update on Monday regarding Tuesday, October 1, school operations."

Greenville County schools closed on Monday, Tuesday

Greenville County Schools will be closed on Monday, September 30, and Tuesday, October 1. With widespread power and Internet outages, eLearning is not possible. Once we have better estimates of when power and Internet will be restored, we will announce plans for Wednesday.

Terry Benjamin

10 inches of rain to Greenville:Hurricane Helene could bring up to 10 inches of rain to Greenville: Worst effects Thursday

Spartanburg County schools closed Monday, Tuesday

All Spartanburg County school districts have announced that they will be closed Monday and Tuesday. The majority included in their announcements that e-learning is not expected due to power outages.

Travis Rose, reporter for the Anderson Independent-Mail contributed to this article.

Terry Benjamin, reporter for the Greenville News contributed to this article.

Upstate South Carolina schools, colleges closed on Monday, Tuesday due to Hurricane Helene (2025)
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