Sung Jinwoo/Relationships (2025)




  • 1 Family
    • 1.1 Park Kyung-Hye (Mother)
    • 1.2 Sung Il-Hwan (Father)
    • 1.3 Sung Jinah (Sister)
    • 1.4 Cha Hae-In (Wife)
    • 1.5 Yoo Jinho (Brother-In-Law)
    • 1.6 Sung Suho (Son)
  • 2 Shadows
    • 2.1 Igris
    • 2.2 Beru
    • 2.3 Bellion
    • 2.4 Iron
    • 2.5 Tusk
    • 2.6 Greed
    • 2.7 Kaisel
  • 3 Hunters
    • 3.1 Lee Joohee
    • 3.2 Song Chi-Yul
    • 3.3 Kim Sangshik
    • 3.4 Han Song-Yi
    • 3.5 Yoo Soohyun
    • 3.6 Baek Yoonho
    • 3.7 Choi Jong-In
    • 3.8 Go Gunhee
    • 3.9 Thomas Andre
    • 3.10 Liu Zhigang
  • 4 Humans
    • 4.1 Adam White
    • 4.2 Ahn Sangmin
    • 4.3 Yoo Myunghan
  • 5 Magic Beasts
    • 5.1 Esil Radiru


Park Kyung-Hye (Mother)

Jinwoo has a very loving relationship with his mother and risked his life countless times to pay for her hospital bills over the four years that she was in a coma. Her illness served as the main reason why he became a hunter in the first place, as he hoped to find something in the dungeons that would cure her of Eternal Slumber. When he ultimately succeeded with the Holy Water of Life and she woke up in perfect health, Jinwoo was so relieved to see her awake that he broke composure and started tearing up right in front of her.

After Kyung-Hye was cured, Jinwoo decided to look after her to make sure she was fully recovered and to make up for lost family time and was willing to sit out of the Jeju Island Raid to do so, although he left mid-raid after Beru nearly killed the Korean S-rank hunters. After the raid was concluded, Jinwoo told his mother about how he had changed ever since she had fallen into a coma and much to his relief, she said his self-sacrifice was similar to his father, whose trait made her fall in love with him, and was fine with him continuing his hunting occupation so long as he didn't push himself too hard, to which he agreed.

Sung Il-Hwan (Father)

II-Hwan was a loving, attentive father and worked as a firefighter before awakening as a hunter. After he became trapped in a dungeon and went missing for years, Kyung-Hye was forced to raise Jinwoo and Jinah on her own. And a few months later, she fell into eternal slumber, leaving the two of them on their own. Jinwoo then became the breadwinner of the family and soon became working as a hunter support Jinah and his mother.

After the rulers choose him as one of the seven vessels, he was returned to the human world to kill the new shadow monarch, Jinwoo. However, he couldn't bear to kill his son. After the rulers ordered him to protect Jinwoo instead, he agreed and protected Jinwoo from the shadows. After Jinwoo learned of his reappearance from the Federal Bureau of Hunters as the primary suspect behind the murder of Christopher Reed. He was left angered and strangled Michael Connor before being calmed down. Jinwoo would later announce at the International Guild Conference that if the suspect really was his father, he wouldn't hesitate to fight every hunter in the world to protect him.

When the Frost Monarch, Beast Monarch, and Plague Monarch came to Seoul to kill Jinwoo and completed their task, Il-hwan showed up and fought off the Frost Monarch and Beast Monarch. After Jinwoo revived, he killed the Frost Monarch and Beast Monarch, but Il-hwan had used too much power and his body construct was fading away. Il-Hwan explained his role as a Ruler's vessel and they shared a tearful goodbye after Il-Hwan apologized for not being a better father. After his death, Jinwoo swore vengeance against the Monarchs.

Sung Jinah (Sister)

Jinwoo and Jinah have a typical sibling relationship, and the two are shown to tease and bicker with each other frequently. As Jinwoo was forced to take over as the breadwinner of the family after their mother fell into a coma. Jinah is very close to him and cares deeply for his well-being, as displayed when she yelled at him after he nearly died in the Double Dungeon. Likewise, Jinwoo is also very protective over Jinah and is merciless towards those who try to hurt her, as shown when he viciously slaughtered a group of orcs who attempted to kill her and her classmates.

Cha Hae-In (Wife)

Initially, Cha's relationship with Jinwoo was somewhat one-sided. While he thought little of her, she was deeply interested in him due to the fact that he was the first hunter she had ever met who smelled nice to her. Eventually, Cha developed romantic feelings for Jinwoo and those feelings became serious enough that she would lose her composure in front of him whenever he teased her over any reason.

In time, Jinwoo would warm up to Cha and their romantic feelings became mutual, with the two of them going out on their first date shortly after an S-Rank Gate spawned in Seoul. After Jinwoo reset the timeline using the Cup of Reincarnation, he made it his priority to re-introduce himself to her. Their relationship would grow from there and they would eventually get married and have a son named Sung Suho. It's also heavily implied that he gave her back her memories of the original timeline, as she was shown to be aware of both his powers and his origins after their marriage.

Yoo Jinho (Brother-In-Law)

They first met in a dungeon raiding group formed by Hwang Dongsuk. After Dongsuk and his party tried to kill them, Jinwoo saved himself and Jinho by killing them in turn. Shortly after, Jinho reached out to Jinwoo wherein they made an agreement to help Jinho clear 19 more C-Rank dungeons in order to meet the qualifications of guildmaster for his father's guild. This lead to them becoming much closer as they spent more time raiding dungeons together. During one outing at their usual restaurant, Jinho drunkenly confessed that he viewed Jinwoo as a big brother figure, as JInwoo is warm to him unlike his biological older brother who is cold. Jinwoo agreed to act as his older brother, which elicited Jinho's gratitude.

They would later found the Ahjin guild together with Jinwoo as guildmaster, and himself as vice-guildmaster, alongside his cousin.

Later the strength of their relationship would be shown when Jinho and JInwoo traveled to the US for the International Guild Conference. Hwang Dongsoo and his lackeys kidnapped Jinho to torture him and make him cough up the truth of his brother's death. Jinho refused to tell him and this lead to him being beat severely, before JInwoo came to rescue him and beat up Dongsoo and his lackeys. Thomas Andre and his guild later arrived to intervene and save Dongsoo. Thomas asked Jinwoo to spare and forgive Dongsoo, but Jinwoo refused and disrespected Thomas in the process. This led to JInwoo fighting the entire Scavenger Guild, which much to their surprise, saw Thomas beat severely firsthand. After all was said and done He killed Dongsoo. Jinho made a full recovered after being quickly relocated to a hospital by Beru.

After the timeline was reset, Jinwoo goes to a college specifically to meet Jinho again, and they quickly become good friends. After Jinho marries Jinah, they become brothers-in-law.

Sung Suho (Son)

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Lee Joohee

Jinwoo and Joohee have a close relationship with each other, as she frequently accompanied him on raids to make sure he didn't get killed. She also displays a great deal of care towards his condition, as shown when she got angry at him at one point for getting injured so badly during a raid. It's also implied that she had romantic feelings towards him but due to her decision to eventually retire from being a hunter and move back home to Busan, she never acted on them. He also chose not to reveal his identity to her after he used the Cup of Reincarnation to reset the timeline for unknown reasons, although he was happy to see her again when they encountered each other by chance.

Song Chi-Yul

Coming soon!

Kim Sangshik

Coming soon!

Han Song-Yi

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Yoo Soohyun

Coming soon!

Baek Yoonho

Coming soon!

Choi Jong-In

Coming soon!

Go Gunhee

Coming soon!

Thomas Andre

Coming soon!

Liu Zhigang

Coming soon!


Adam White

Coming soon!

Ahn Sangmin

Coming soon!

Yoo Myunghan

Coming soon!

Magic Beasts

Esil Radiru

When Jinwoo reached the 80th floor of the Demon Castle, Esil, along with her clan's knights, was ordered by her father to eliminate him and his troops. Despite their efforts, Jinwoo and his shadows easily dispatched all of Esil's knights. Cornered and fearing for her life, Esil surrendered and begged Jinwoo for mercy, promising him anything he desired in exchange for sparing her life. Jinwoo, weary from his search for the 80th floor pass, accepted her offer without hesitation.

After getting the pass from Esil's clan, Jinwoo and Esil climbed the castle together. Esil was amazed as Jinwoo and his shadow army defeated enemies on each floor with ease. Finally, they faced Demon King Baran on the hundredth floor. When Baran started winning, Esil threw a dagger at him, giving Jinwoo the chance to defeat him.

Esil was happy that her clan was now at the top. She invited Jinwoo to a feast, but he declined, saying her floor was too far. Jinwoo thanked Esil for her help and left to find the Holy Water of Life for his mother. Esil protested, but Jinwoo disappeared using Shadow Exchange, leaving her confused and sad.

Sung Jinwoo/Relationships (2025)
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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.