Henderson County Fiscal Court asks legislature to change approach to road revenue (2024)

Henderson County Fiscal Court asks legislature to change approach to road revenue (1)

HENDERSON, Ky. — The Henderson County Fiscal Courtjoined officials throughout the state asking the legislature to shore up revenue needed to improve infrastructure.

During Tuesday's regular meeting, the panel unanimously approved a resolution asking the General Assembly to "address transportation funding needs."

"We did this a couple of years ago, and we are heading into another General Assembly session where this issue will be brought up," said Henderson County Judge Executive Brad Schneider. "This is vitally important in my opinion.I think you all share that opinion that coming up with new revenue, not only to get through the backlog of deferred maintenance, but to do new things like building the I-69 bridge.

"The General Assembly needs to do something in this regard, like maybe even raising the gas tax," Schneider said. "We are long overdue for that. Surrounding states have done that and reaped the benefits of that, but Kentucky hasn't bitten the bullet yet."

According to the resolution submitted to magistrates, since 2015, falling gas prices and reduced fuel tax revenue have cost the state transportation department $200 million in funding each year. In addition, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet said the road funds requirean additional $900 million annually to address the "current maintenance and construction needs."

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After approving the resolution, Magistrate Tim Southard said, "For everyone that's watching (the meeting being live-streamed on Facebook), we are passing this resolution, and it's going to go to Frankfort, but our voice isn't nearly as big as yours. I'd like for everybody to reach out to their legislatorsand support this because we are in dire need of more funding to get our roads back up to snuff."

Magistrate Charlie McCollom voiced a similar sentiment.

"Tim is absolutely right. This is nothing new. The Green River Spottsville Bridge (improvements were)on the 10-year plan since 1972," he said. The lack of road funds, McCollom said, has been an issue for decades.

"This time we've got partisan politics ... I'm tired of the bickering between the two parties ... this needs to happen for Henderson and for the whole community," McCollom said.

The fiscal court also approved two other resolutions involving CARES Act money given to the City of Robards and to the City of Corydon.

Schneider said neither city used the funds, and the Department of Local Government allows cities to give the money to the county in which they are located. The City of Robards received $15,768 in CARES funds and Corydon received $37,050.

"Both mayors were eager for the money to stay within the county," he said. "I made a promise to them that as we were accepting this money into our general fund budget that if they needed help as we continue down this road in dealing with the pandemic, that they can certainly come back to the county, and we would help them in any way we could. We are going to be there for Robards and Corydon if they need us."

In other business on Tuesday:

Humane society

Debbie Edwards with the Humane Society of Henderson County said the financial situation was staying relatively stable, but adoptions are down. She said the shelter has a critical need for medical gloves.

"If anyone knows where we can find some where the price hasn't double or tripled, I'd like to know," she said. "We use latex/powder free medical exam gloves. Our veterinary supply store has gone from $6.80 a box to $25 a box. We can't afford that. So I'm reaching out everywhere. We go through 100 pairs a day, so it's hard to keep them in stock."

Schneider and Henderson County Coroner Bruce Farmer suggested that Edwards contact Emergency Management Director Kenny Garrett for a possible supply or supplier of medical gloves.

In addition, Edwards said, "We are getting an alarming number of calls regarding dogs running at large. I would like to reiterate the need for the public to keep dogs secure in their own yard. It's not just an ordinance, but it's for the animal's safety as well."

Detention center

Jailer Amy Brady said staff is down significantly.

"Staffing is at an all-time low. It's not just here, it's at every jail throughout the state. People can stay home and draw unemployment check, and a lot are choosing to do that. We will get people hired and processed. They'll come for training. They will leave at lunch, and we will never see them again," Brady said.

The jail is down 11 male officers and nine female officers.

"I worked as the medical deputy the other night," she said. "We are looking at a pay increase" in an effort to keep staff.

Brady said the federal government is increasing the daily per diem for federal inmates. The increased revenue may help with the salary situation for deputy jailers.


The increase in virus cases continues to be a concern, officials said.

Magistrates encouraged people to wear their masksand to reach out to those in need.

"A lot of people just aren't wearing them. It's just such an easy thing to do," Keith Berry said.

"You can just take it out of your pocket and put it on," Southard said.

Butch Puttman said he is concerned for those who've lost jobs and for themany who will struggle financially this Thanksgiving. He encouraged people to help organizations like The Salvation Army who try to assist by giving food.

Schneider said he is also concerned this Thanksgiving.

"We have a lot to be thankful for, but there's a lot of people I'm worried about," he said. "I'm worried about kids who are not in school. I think we are seeing increased numbers of kids who are not handling being out of school and not with their friends. I understand the Governor's concern and his reasoning for ceasing in-person school, but I know it's a burden. It's a burden on parents, and it's not great for kids.

"I'm worried about restaurant owners who've had to adjust againin a business that's tough in normal circ*mstances, and restaurants ... pardon the pun ... bring a lot of flavor to the community. They can bring a lot of dollars in from outside the county because people enjoy visiting them. I hope they all make it through this three-week period so we don't lose anymore. We've already lost several restaurants. Those are jobs, local residents who own these restaurants ... in some cases, it's heartbreaking," Schneider said.

"I understand the precautions we have to take to get through this public health-crisis," he said. "We all on fiscal court are thinking about our residents out there and what they are going through."

Henderson County Fiscal Court asks legislature to change approach to road revenue (2024)
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